



研究方向:质量与可靠性、随机建模、 风险管理

主讲课程:系统可靠性理论与方法、 随机过程、高等概率与数理统计、质量管理







[1] Lirong Cui, Alan G. Hawkes, He Yi, An elementary derivation of moments of

Hawkes processes, Advances in Applied Probability, 2020, 52(1), 102-137.

[2] Lirong Cui, Jianhui Chen, Xiangchen Li, Balanced reliability systems under Markov processes, IISE Transactions, 2019, 51(9), 1025-1035.

[3] He Yi, Lirong Cui, A new computation method for signature: Markov process method, Naval Research Logistics, 2018, 65(5): 410-426.

[4] Lirong Cui, JH Chen, B Wu, New interval availability indexes for Markov repairable systems, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2017, 168:12-17.

[5] Lirong Cui, Quan Zhang, Dejing Kong, Some new concepts and their computational formulae in aggregated stochastic processes with classifications based on sojourn times, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 2016, 18(4): 999-1019.

[6] Lirong Cui, Jinbo Huang, Yan Li, Degradation models with wiener diffusion processes under calibrations, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2016, 65(2):613-623.

[7] Lirong Cui, Dejing Kong, Haijun Li, Matching via majorization for consistency of product quality, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 2016, 13(4):439-452.

[8] Cui Lirong. Du Shijia, Zhang Aofu, Reliability measures for two-part partition of states for aggregated Markov repairable systems, Annals of Operations Research, 2014, 212(1): 93-114.

[9] Lirong Cui & Alan G. Hawkes, A note on the Proof for the Optimal Consecutive-k-out-of-n:G Line for n<=2k, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2008, 138(11): 1516-1520.

[10] Lirong Cui, Alan G. Hawkes & Assad Jalali, The increasing failure rate property of consecutive k-out-of-n, Probability in the Engineering & Informational Sciences, 1995, 9: 217-225.


Applied Mathematical Modelling,

Computers & Industrial Engineering,

Naval Research Logistics

Advances in Applied Probability

Journal of Applied Probability

Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability

Reliability Engineering & System Safety

Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

IEEE Transactions on Reliability

Quality Technology and Quantitative Management

IISE Transactions (IIETransactions)

Quality Engineering

Journal of Risk and Reliability

Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods

Journal of Computational Science

European Journal of Operational Research

Annals of Operations Research

Mathematical Method of Operations Research

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

Stochastic Models

Statistics and Probability Letters

Probability in the Engineering & Informational Sciences


[1].Gerard J. Chang, Lirong Cui & Frank K.Hwang, Reliabilities of Consecutive-k Systems, 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

[2] Lirong Cui, Handbook Performability Engineering (Chapter 48), 2000, Springer.

[3] Alan. G. Hawkes, Lirong Cui & Shijia Du, Chapter16. Occupancy Times for Markov and Semi-Markov Models in Systems, Reliability Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Models and Statistical Inference, John Wiley & Sons, 2014, pp.218-230.

[4] Lirong Cui, Cong Lin & Haisheng Yang, Analysis for a Qualification Test Procedure with FMCIA (Finite Markov Chain Imbedding Approach), Chapter 1, Mathematics Applied to Engineering, 2017.

[5] H. Yi, Lirong Cui, A study on repairable series systems with Markov repairable units, Recent Advances in Multi-state Systems Reliability---Theory and Applications, Springer, 2018, p121-157.

[6] Lirong Cui, Chen Fang, Reliability-Game Theory, Advances in System Reliability Engineering, Elsevier, Chapter 3, P1-38, 2018.

[7] Lirong Cui, Qinglai Dong, Consecutive k and related models---A survey, Stochastic Models in Reliability, Network Security and System Safety, Springer, 2019, p3-18.

【8】Bei Wu & Lirong Cui, Reliability analysis of a Pseudo working Markov repairable system,  Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, (Chapter 1), 1-18. CRC Press, Taylor& Francis Group, 2020.

[8] 崔利荣,赵先、刘芳宇,质量管理学,人民大学出版社,2012.

[9] 苗瑞、蒋祖华、崔利荣, 工程统计学,机械工业出版社,2009.

[10] 王丽英、崔利荣, 基于随机过程理论的多状态系统建模与可靠性评估, 科学出版社,2017.


[1] 2005年获得教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。

[2] 2006年荣获北京理工大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师证书(郑治华)。

[3] 2009年荣获北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师证书(赵先)。

[4] 2009年荣获(香港)IEEM2009国际会议优秀论文奖(孙青)。

[5] 2009年荣获北京市优秀博士学位论文指导教师证书(赵先)。

[6] 2011年荣获北京理工大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师证书(解伟娟)。

[7] 2013年荣获北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师证书(董晓芳)。

[8] 2015年荣获北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师证书(刘宝亮)。

[9] 2017年荣获北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师证书(孔德景)。

[10] 2018年荣获北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师证书(沈静远)



[1]. 2004.1-2006.12. 系统可靠性的一些问题探讨 (70371048)

[2]. 2007.1-2009.12. 聚合随机过程维修性模型与分析(70671009)

[3]. 2011.1-2013.12. 状态聚合模式的衍生维修性建模及相关问题研究,(71071020)

[4]. 2014.1-2017.12. 复杂随机动态系统可靠性建模与分析

[5]. 2017.1-2021.12. 系统可靠性建模与分析的理论与方法研究 (71631001) (重点项目)

[6]. 2019.1-2022.12. 系统故障自愈与部件故障相互影响的随机过程建模与分析(71871021)

[7]. 主持完成或正在进行的多项横向课题。


[1] International Conference on Risk and Reliability Management, Beijing, Oct. 23-24, 2010, (大会发言) Technical Program Committee member.

[2] The 4th Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM2010), Wellingtong, New Zealand, Dec. 2-4,2010. Technical Program Committee Co-Chair.

[3] 2010 International Conference on Risk and Reliability Management, 2010, October 23-25, Beijing, (大会发言).

[4] The 7th International Conference on“Methematical Methods in Reliability”: Theory. Methods. Applications. (MMR2011), Beijing, June 20-24, 2011. Technical Program Committee Co-Chair.

[5] The 9th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety(ICRMS'2011) June 12-15, 2011,GUIYANG·CHINA, Program Committee Co-Chair.

[6] 2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM 2012), Nanjing, China, November 1-3, 2012, Conference General Co-Chairs.

[7] 2013 The Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Theory. Methods., Applications (Technical Program Committee member, Session-Chairs) (Cape Town).

[8] International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2014), July, 22-25, Dalian, China, Keynote speaker (大会发言).

[9] International Workshop on Applied Probability, June 16-19, 2014, Antalya, Turkey, Invited speaker,

[10] 2014 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM 2014), Sapporo, Japan, August 20-23, 2014, Program Co-Chair.

[11] The 8th International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR 2014), Oxford, UK., Technical Program Committee member.

[12] International Applied reliability Symposium, Shanghai, China, November, 5-6, 2014, Plenary speaker.

[13] The workshop on reliability, 2015, April 7, Plenary talk, Beijing university of Science and Technology.

[14] International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2015), July, Beijing, China, Program Co-Chair.

[15] 国家自然基金委双清论坛第123期,合肥,10月22-24,2014,小组发言。

[16] The 9th International Conference on “Methematical Methods in Reliability”: Theory. Methods. Applications. (MMR2015), Tokyo, June 1-4, 2015. Invited speaker.

[17] Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO’16), February 15-18, 2016, Beer Sheva, Israel, PC member.

[18] 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications (ICMTEA2016), April, 29-30, 2016. India, Session/Keynote Speaker.

[19] 第五届全国可信计算学术会议(CDC2015),大会发言,2015年10月9-10日,浙江省金华市(浙江师范大学)。

[20] International Workshop on Mathematical Reliability and Safety, 2016.6.23-2016.6.25, 中国徐州,大会发言。

[21] The 1st Sino-US Research Conference on Quality, Analytics and Innovation

July 1-2, Shanghai, China, (Plenary talk)

[22] The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling, 2016.8.23-2016.8.27, Soule, Korea, Program Member,

[23] International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, 2016.7.25-2016.7.28, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China, Gou Si Chuan, Program Co-Chair.

[24] 中国运筹学会第十次全国代表大会暨2016年学术交流年会2016.10.14-2016.10.16, 云南昆明,分会场发言.

[25] The International Applied Reliability Symposium (ARS) --- 2016.11.16 -- 2016.11.18, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, Plenary talk.

[26] 中国第一届质量可靠性青年学术论坛, 2016.12.14-2016.12.15, 湖南长沙,会议主席.

[27] 中国运筹学会可靠性分会青年学术会议, 2016.12.16-2016.12.18, 湖南长沙,会议主席。

[28] 中国运筹学会可靠性分会年会, 2017.4.23-24,北京交通大学, 大会发言,

[29] 系统可靠性及维修性学术研讨会(西北工业大学),2017,6.12-14. 大会发言。

[30] The 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR 2017), Grenoble, France, 2017, July3-6, PC member, Invited talk.

[31] The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability & Security (QRS2017), 2017, July 26-28, Prague, Czech, (Workshop on Reliability Modeling and Optimization, Chair, Session Chair).

[32] “新兴信息技术环境下重大装备制造全生命周期管理理论、方法与应用研究”研讨会, 大会发言, 2017年8月31日。合肥(合肥工业大学)

[33] 第二届(2017年)中国质量与可靠性管理青年学者论坛,西安2017年11月24-26日。(主持2个大会报告)

[34] 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会工业工程分会年会, 2017年12月1-2日, 北京。(主持会议)

[35] 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM 2018) & 8th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2018), Program Co-Chair. Qingdao, Shandong, China, August 21-24, 2018.

[36] 2018 International Conference on Management and Operations research, July 7-9, 2018, Beijing, China. PC member.

[37] Applied Reliability and Durability conference, 2018年8月15-17日,上海, 大会报告。

[38] 2018年可靠性青年学者学术研讨会, 2018年8月24日,青岛,大会特邀报告。

[39] Plenary talk, The symposium on Hawkes Processes, Sep. 20-24, 2018, Swansea, UK.

[40] 分会报告,中国管理科学与工程大会, 质量与可靠性论坛,昆明,10月19-21, 2018年。

[41] Conference Co-Chairs, The 3rd International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO-2019), May 28-31, 2019. Beijing.

[42] 9th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2018), International Advisor Committee Member. Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China, August 6-9, 2019.

[43] 机械工程学会可靠性分会大会报告, 广州, 2019年8月19-21.

[44] 全国质量与可靠性高层论坛大会报告, 温州大学, 2019年11月22-24

[45] 2019年中国运筹学会可靠性分会年会大会报告, 中央财金大学, 2019年12月14-15日

[46] 第六届欧洲随机建模国际会议(SMTDA2020)大会报告, 2020年6月2-5日(Virtual/online conference, First time).


Guest editors:

[1] 2011, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Special Section on MMR2011.

[2] 2011, Communications in Statistics---Theory and Methods, Special Issue on MMR2011.

[3] 2011, Annals of Operations Research, Special Volume: Stochastic Methods in Reliability and Risk Management.

[4] 2012, An International Journal Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, Special issue on Reliability Modeling, Inference and Analysis.

[5] 2012,Communications In Statistics-Theory And Methods, for Special Issue on APARM 2012.

[6] 2019, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics

[7] 2019, Journal of Risk and Reliability


(1) Professor M.S. Bartlett (University of Oxford , UK, Elected to NAS: 1993), he was Alan G Hawkes’ PhD supervisor;